


Email: yfm@fudan.edu.cn




  • 2018 至今 复旦大学材料科学系,副系主任

  • 2015-2017 复旦大学材料科学系材料物理教研室主任

  • 2010 至今 复旦大学材料科学系,教授/博导

  • 2007-2010 德国莱布尼茨学会固体与材料研究所,Staff Scientist/Group Leader

  • 2005-2007 德国马克斯普朗克学会固体研究所,博士后/Staff Scientist

  • 2002-2005 香港城市大学物理与材料科学系,博士

  • 1999-2002 南京大学物理学系,硕士

  • 1995-1999 南京大学物理学系,本科


  • 本科生新生研讨课《生活中的材料启示》

  • 本科生专业必修课《固体物理导论》(复旦大学精品课程,上海市市级重点建设课程)

  • 研究生双基课程《材料科学基础研究素养》(复旦大学研究生课程思政标杆课程)


  • 薄膜材料与沉积技术

  • 微纳加工与半导体工艺

  • 新型电子技术(柔性、瞬态、重构等)

  • 微纳机器人

  • 微腔光子学




顾问编委:Applied Physics LettersChemistry of MeterialsProgress in Natural Science: Materials International





1. D. B. Zeng#, Z. Y. Zhang, Z. Y. Xue, M. Zhang, P. K. Chu, Y. F. Mei, Z. A. Tian*, Z. F. Di*, Single-crystalline metal-oxide dielectrics for top-gate 2D transistors. Nature, 623, 788-794 (2024).

2. C. Y. You#, X. Li, Y. H. Hu, N. G. Huang, Y. Wang, B. M. Wu, G. B. Jiang, J. Y. Huang, Z. Y. Zhang, B. X. Chen, Y. W., J. H. Liu, X. Z. Chen, E. M. Song, J. Z. Cui, P. Zhou, Z. F. Di, Z. H. An, G. S. Huang, Y. F. Mei*, CMOS-compatible reconstructive spectrometers with self-referencing integrated Fabry–Perot resonators. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121, e2403950121 (2024)  (Cover).

3. Z.Y. Zhang#, B.M. Wu#, Y. Wang, T.J. Cai, M.Z. Ma, C.Y. You, C. Liu, G.B. Jiang, Y.H. Hu, X. Li, X.Z. Chen, E.M. Song, J.Z. Cui, G.S. Huang, S. Kiravittaya, Y.F. Mei*. Multilevel design and construction in nanomembrane rolling for threedimensional angle-sensitive photodetection. Nature Communications, 15, 3066 (2024).

4. B.M. Wu#, Z.Y. Zhang#, Z. Zheng, T.J. Cai, C.Y. You, C. Liu, X. Li, Y. Wang, J.L. Wang, H.B. Li, E.M. Song, J.Z. Cui, G.S. Huang, Y.F. Mei*, Self-rolled-up Ultrathin Single-Crystalline Silicon Nanomembranes for On-Chip Tubular Polarization Photodetectors, Advanced Materials, 2306715 (2023).

5. B.M. Wu, Z.Y. Zhang, B.X. Chen, Z. Zhneg, C.Y. You, C. Liu, X. Li, J.L. Wang, Y.Q. Wang, E.M. Song, J.Z. Cui, Z.H. An, G.S. Huang, Y.F. Mei*, One-step rolling fabrication of VO2 tubular bolometers with polarization-sensitive and omnidirectional detection, Science Advances, 9, eadi7805 (2023).

6. H Zhu, BR Xu, Y Wang, XX Pan, ZH Qu, YF Mei, Self-powered locomotion of a hydrogel water strider, Science Robotics, 6, eabe7925(2021).

7. ZA Tian, BR Xu, GC Wan, XM Han, ZF Di, Z Chen, YF Mei, Gaussian-preserved,  non-volatile shape morphing in three-dimensional microstructures for dualfunctional electronic devices, Nature Communications, 12, 509(2021).

8. GJ Li, Z Ma, CY You, GS Huang, EM Song, RB Pan, H Zhu, JQ Xin, BR Xu, T Lee, ZH An, ZF Di, YF Mei, Silicon nanomembrane phototransistor flipped with multifunctional sensors towards smart digital dust, Science Advances 6, eaaz6511 (2020).

9. BR Xu, XY Zhang, ZA Tian, D Han, XC Fan, YM Chen, ZF Di, T Qiu, YF Mei, Microdroplet-guided intercalation and deterministic delamination towards intelligent rolling origami, Nature Communications 10, 5019 (2019). 

10. BR Xu, ZA Tian, J Wang, H Han, T Lee, YF Mei, Stimuli-responsive and on-chip nanomembrane micro-rolls for enhanced macroscopic visual hydrogen detection, Science Advances 4, eaap8203 (2018).

11. ZA Tian, L Zhang, YF Fang, BR Xu, SW Tang, N Hu, ZH An, Z Chen, YF Mei, Deterministic Self-Rolling of  Ultra-thin Nanocrystalline Diamond Nanomembranes for Three-Dimensional  Tubular/Helical Architecture, Advanced Materials 29, 1604572 (2017).

12. H Wang, HL Zhen, SL Li, YL Jing, GS Huang, YF Mei, W Lu, Self-Rolling and Light-Trapping in Flexible Quantum-Well-Embedded Nanomembranes for Wide-Angle Infrared Photodetectors, Science Advances 2, e1600027 (2016).

已在Science Robotics, Science Advances, Nature Communications, Advanced Materials, Nano Letters等学术期刊发表论文200余篇。

Prof. Yongfeng Mei

Fudan University, Department of Materials Science

220 Handan Road, 200433 Shanghai, P. R. China

Tel. +86 (21) 31243532, Fax: +86 (21) 31243583

Email: yfm@fudan.edu.cn, meiyongfeng@hotmail.com

Education and Work Experience

  • Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research: Stuttgart, Germany.

    Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Klaus von Klitzing, Mar. 2007

  • City University of Hong Kong: SAR Hong Kong, China.

    PhD Degree in Physics & Materials Science, Aug. 2005.

  • Nanjing University: Nanjing, China.

    MPhil. Sci. in Physics (Optics and Opto-electronics), Jun. 2002.

    B. Sci. in Physics (Solid State Electronics), Jun. 1999.


Fudan University: Shanghai, China.

July 2010 to present

Professor in Materials Physics and Chemistry (since 2010) & Associate Department Head (since 2018), Department of Materials Science, Fudan University. Build up and head the NanoMem Group, which focuses on the development of novel inorganic nanomembrane materials and their applications in photonics, optoelectronics, flexible electronics and micro-/nanoscale robotics. Develop new applications (plasmonics and optofluidics) for tubular optical microcavity. Improve the speed of catalytic tubular motors. Develop transfer and printing technology for nanomembrane materials. Develop atomic layer deposition (ALD) for nanomembranes fabrication and surface modification.

Yonsei University: Seoul, Republic of Korea

August 2018 (one month)

Visiting Professor, Yonsei Frontier Lab, Office of Research Affairs. Collaboration with Prof. Taeyoon Lee on hydrogen detection with smart materials and structures.

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: UIUC, US.

February 2017 - March 2017

Visiting Professor, Prof. John Roger’s group. Promotion on nanomembrane materials filed and discussion with exchange students.

MNT Micro and Nanotech Co. Ltd: Wuxi City, China.

September 2009

Cofounder, Development of equipment and application on atomic layer deposition (ALD) .

Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research: IFW Dresden, Germany.

April 2007 - July 2010

Staff Scientist and Group Leader of Nanomembranes for Applications in Biology and Chemistry (Nano-ABC) group at the Institute for Integrative Nanosciences.  Develop polymer-based rolled-up nanotechnology for various applications including photonics, robotics, energy storage, and biology. Initiate the tubular catalytic micro and nano-motors (highly cited). Propose the idea of Lab-in-a-Tube, which is granted by Volkswagen Foundations (691kEuro). Develop fully-flexible GMR devices.

Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research (FKF): Stuttgart, Germany.

Sep. 2005 - Mar. 2007

Research Associate and Staff Scientist in the Molecular Beam Epitaxy group of the Department of Klaus von Klitzing.  Observe and understand the wrinkled phenomenon in strained semiconductor nanomembranes.

Nanjing University: Nanjing, China.

September 1999 - June 2002

Instructor for undergraduates, Department of Physics.

Sponsors and Awards

  • -Shanghai Academic Research Leader, 2019, Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality, Shanghai, China

  • -Excellent Course Teacher: Introduction to Solid State Physics, 2018, Fudan University, China

  • -Changjiang Distinguish Professor (Young Scholar), 2015, Ministry of Education, China.

  • -Excellent Young Scientist, 2013, NSFC, China.

  • -Shuguang Scholar, 2012, Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, China.

  • -New Century Talent, 2011, Ministry of Education, China.

  • -Annual Research Award, 2008, IFW Dresden, Germany.

  • -Young Scientist Award, E-MRS, 2004 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France.

  • -Candidate of Young Scientist Award, 2004, Hong Kong Institute of Science, SAR HK, China.

Service and Member

  • -Editorial Board of Chemistry of Materials, ACS Publication, 2019 - now.

  • -Editorial Board of Journal of Physics: Materials, IOP Publisher, May 24, 2019 - now.

  • -Editorial Advisory Board of Applied Physics Letters, January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2022.

  • -Organization and Advisory Committee, 2018 International Workshop on Nanomembrane Origami Technology, Shanghai, 10-11 Nov. 2018.

  • -Organization Chair,8th International Multidisciplinary Conference on Optofluidics (IMCO’2018), Shanghai, China, 5-8 August (2018).

  • -Conference co-chair, 2nd National Conference on Micro/Nanomotors, Shenzhen, 21-22 April (2018).

  • -Outstanding Reviewer, Nanotechnology (2017).

  • -Excellent Editorial Board Member, Journal of Semiconductors (2017).

  • -Program Committee Member in 18th International Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition, 2018, Incheon, Korea.

  • -Adjunct Professor in Yonsei University, Republic of Korea. (2017-now)

  • -Organization Chair, 2017 Microcavity Photonics Workshop, Shanghai, China.

  • -Organizing Committee, 2017 International Conference on Micro/Nanomachines, Wuhan, China.

  • -Advisory Panel member, Nanotechnology (2017-2018).

  • -Excellent reviewer, Science China Chemistry (2016).

  • -Committee Member in Micro-Nano Actuators and Microsystems Division, 2017, Chinese Society of Micro-Nano Technology.

  • -Program Committee Member in 17th International Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition, 2017, Denver, USA

  • -Symposium Co-Chair of Symposium “Nanomembrane Materials - from Fabrication to Application” in MRS Fall Meeting 2016, Boston, USA.

  • -Co-Chair of AVS Topical Conference: 2015 Shanghai Thin Film Conference, Shanghai, China

  • -Co-Chair of China ALD Conference & International Conference on ALD Applications (2012, 2014, 2016, 2018), China.

  • -Principal Editor of MRS Advance (2016)

  • -Editorial Board of Journal of Semiconductors (2016-2020).

  • -Editorial Board of Progress in Natural Science: Materials International (2015-2018).

  • -Guest Editor of Nanotechnology 2014 & Nanoscale Research Letters (2012, 2014).

  • -Member of C-AVS, C-MRS, AAAS, AVS, MRS.

  • -Committee Member in Nanomaterials and Device Division, C-MRS (2014-2020).

  • -Referee service for Nat. Mater. Rev., PNAS, Nat. Comm., Adv. Mater., Nano Lett., JACS, NPG Asia Materials and etc.

  • -Referee service for NSFC, European Research Council (ERC),the Dutch Research Council etc.


Over 20 patents (including 3 international patents) and patent applications for sensors, lighting, equipment design, optoelectronics devices.


Over 280 peer-reviewed papers in journals including Science Robotics, Science Advances, Nature Communications, Advanced Materials, NPG Asia Materials, Nano Letters, Laser and Photonics Review, Physical Review Letters, Materials Science and Engineering R: Report, Chemical Society Review, Applied Physics Letters, Optics Letters, and etc.