2024 浦江创新论坛 | Oliver G. Schmidt 教授主旨报告

2024 Pujiang Innovation Forum | Keynote Report by Prof. Oliver G. Schmidt


我院创院院长Oliver G. Schmidt院士作《Micro-Origami robots: On the verge of artificial life for a new generation of microelectronic materials》特邀报告,分享了在微电子材料方面的前沿工作,介绍如何通过自折叠微型折纸机器人,在自组装电子纳米膜材料方面取得巨大进步。这些微型机器人可以通信、对接并配置成更大的实体,就像简单的人工生物体,这些颠覆性的发展将适用于各种应用场景。



On September 8th, the 2024 Pujiang Innovation ForumFuture Materials: Interdisciplinary Innovation and Sustainable Development was held at Shanghai, hosted by Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

 Our founding director Prof. Oliver G. Schmidt has delivered a keynote report titled Micro-Origami robots: On the verge of artificial life for a new generation of microelectronic materials He shared how self-folded microorigami robots make large leaps forward in self-assembling electronic nanomembrane materials into finely grained artificial units. These microorigami robots can communicate, dock together and configure into larger entities like simple forms of artificial organisms. The impact of these disruptive developments will be addressed for various application scenarios.

The forum was attended by over 300 experts, scholars, and industry representatives from the government, universities, research institutions, and enterprises. Together, they discussed the development trends and application prospects of future materials research.

This forum was not only an academic feast of intellectual exchange but also an important platform for strengthening international collaboration and accelerating technological innovation.  Through this platform, we hope more sparks of innovative thinking can be inspired to drive technological advancement in the field of materials science and technology, and to provide more viable solutions for addressing global challenges.



校稿: Oliver G. Schmidt, 梅永丰
